Up for Grabs was a collaborative effort between Japan MNCs Tokyo Gas, Konica Minolta and Outside to combat food wastage.
We partnered with 5 f&b partners around NUS: Bakery Cuisine, The Tea Party, CRAVE, The Royals Bistro and 甲•秀味道, providing exclusive deals during off peak periods in an attempt to cut down on perishable food wastage.
worth of food saved in
Hang around NUS? Love food and discounts?
Check out these generous deals by our proud partners!
download the app from the app store, or click here and sign up
find the reward inside the "find task" button and open it up!
when at the vendor, press the scan button and scan the provided QR code to claim
Outside is a community app that makes it fun and easy for users to help each other with daily errands which appears as quest pins on our map! Find out more about us here!
You can post tasks to get others around to help you with your daily inconveniences at minimal fee, or you can offer your help and earn instead! Want to know more? Click here!
Nope! Just download the app and claim the deal while it’s available and it’s yours!
What an oddly specific question to ask! But, yes you can! Pop that “post task” button and get someone to claim that deal and bring it down to you!
Inside Technologies Private Limited / Outside © 2023 All rights reserved